Tuesday 15th December saw the office scrap the suits for a day and chuck on their onesie, all for a great cause – to raise money for St Peters & St James Hospice, a local charity from Burgess Hill.
The office managed to raise a total of just under £260 for the hospice and we hope it brought a lot of festive cheer to everyone involved.
“Our mission as a registered charity is to support you and those important to you to live well towards the end of life by giving compassion, hope and quality care.
We will endeavor to meet the needs of each patient, their family and friends.
We aim to encourage and enable all patients to live their lives to their full potential despite their illnesses.”
Here at Bennett Christmas, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! For more blogs and insights of what we do and what we offer, follow us on Twitter @bennettxmas!